When I worked in corporate America my fellow coworkers would often send me emails chalked full of images that were no better described than breathtaking. I did some research on these images and learned HDR processing. HDR stands for High Dynamic Range Imaging and I just had to give it a try... I know I know you just want to know what it means.
The process of creating an HDR image is to shoot the same image multiple times (three times or more) at different F stops (description), in a nut shell you will have one image way under exposed, one right on and one over exposed. Using an HDR software (I use Photomatix you can find it here) you merge the three images together and with the tools included in the software you have the ability to adjust tone, contrast, saturation and much more to get the effect you are looking for. I am not savvy at explaining the technical details of photography at all so take a look at this link for more detailed info (HDR described).
Here are some of my first HDR images I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them!
It's like some highly detailed painting. Very cool. I had no idea what HDR meant.